Sunday, 22 March 2015

How the "Magic" Happens

Note:  This post was originally published on August 11, 2014.  All posts prior to this date - along with images from April 2014 to March 2015 - have been lost forever to the Internet black hole.  


I have this Internet BFF named Jodi, and Jodi has her very own dog blog (along with other internet-y projects) called Kol's Notes.  Apparently, there's a little "blog tour" going around right now that asks bloggers about their writing process, and apparently, Jodi thinks I have some sort of "process" that I should share, because she nominated me to join in on the tour.  (Haha.  Hahahahaha.)

So, okay.  Let's talk about my "process" through the three questions provided as part of the Writing Process Blog Tour, shall me?

1. What are you working on?

Geez.  Mostly, I'm working on growing a human being.  (That feels like a cop-out answer, but you guys, I'm so tired and sweaty.  We're in the home stretch, and Baby H is due in the next 2 - 4 weeks (depending who you ask) and I mostly just want to lay on my couch in front of a fan.)

{this was a picture of a big lazy hippo}

But I actually do have a number of projects on the go, including:

  • a post about how neurotic I am when it comes to art projects
  • two baby shower posts (which I don't have photos for yet, MOM...)
  • a confession about my "strange obsessions"
  • a "studio tour" post (my studio is legit in the middle of my living room, but we'll call it a studio anyway)
  • an introduction to a very talented friend of mine

2. Why do you write what you do?

What?  I don't know.  I don't even understand this question.

I write what I write because this is my personal "lifestyle" blog and this is what I'm currently living.  Does that make sense?  I write about art stuff because that's how I (mostly) spend my days, and I write about George and J-Bird and Baby H because they are my loves, and I write about what's happening in my life because it's what I know.  I'm not going to write about science, because I am not scientific, and I'm not going to write about fashion trends because I live in yoga pants and tank tops, and I'm not going to write about cars because I don't even drive.  I write what I know and like, and hopefully there are people out there that are interested in the same things who want to read it, y'know?  Simple as that.

{there was an image here once, but truthfully, I don't even remember what it was}

3.  How does your writing process work?

Hahahaha, again with that whole "process" assumption!  OK, here's how my "blogging process" usually goes:

First, I realize that it has been like a week or more since I last posted, and I chastise myself for being a terrible blogger and a slacker.  Then, I open up my Wordpress dashboard, pull my laptop on to my lap, and start typing.

For realz.

Sometimes I have something I specifically want to blog about, and that makes it easier because chances are, I've got a bunch of pictures prepared and I've already sort of thought out what I want to say.  Other times, I just let myself start writing and I see where it takes me, and then I tweak the post as needed.  Juliette once said that she liked my writing style because it was easy to get a mental image of what I was writing about, and I think it's because when I post, I just write the way I would have a conversation with someone.  And sometimes that means I am scattered and kind of neurotic, but if I happen to be having a scattered and neurotic day, then that's what is going to come across.

So there you have it.  The "secret" behind my blogging methodology is basically that I am not very organized and I blog without rules and there is no secret behind my blogging methodology.  TADA!

And now I'm supposed to nominate three other bloggers to take part, so I choose...

Kellee from Kellee the Caffeinated
Juliette from The Other Juliette
Aussa from Hacker. Ninja. Hooker. Spy.

Oh, and this is cheating but I'm going to add an extra nominee:  my baby cousin (who is like 22 and probably tired of me referring to her as "my baby cousin") just started her first blog and I don't know if she has a "process" yet, but she was a journalism major so maybe she knows secret writing tips and tricks that she can share or something.  GO, KELLY, GO!


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